Studies in History
Studies in History, a peer-reviewed journal, aims to publish original works with information, arguments and insights that contribute significantly to the field of historical research. The journal reflects the considerable expansion and diversification that has occurred in historical research in India in recent years.Studies in History reflects the considerable expansion and diversification that has occurred in historical research in India in recent years. The old preoccupation with political history has been integrated into a broader framework which places equal emphasis on social, economic and cultural history.
The Journal examines regional problems and pays attention to some of the neglected periods of India's past. The journal also publishes articles concerning countries other than India. It provides a forum for articles on the writing of different varieties of history, and contributions challenging received wisdom on long standing issues.
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Journal Indexing
Ranking: 2016 SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) Score: 0.147 | 367/1022 in History (Scopus®) | Indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI): a new index in the Web of Science (TM) Core CollectionScopus Indexed Journal - journalsindexed®