The International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship (IJNES) publishes significant research and scholarship in the broad field of nursing education. The mandate of the journal is to present high quality papers to advance nursing education through research, description of innovative methods, or introduction of novel approaches about all aspects of nursing education in a timely manner. The specific aims of IJNES are to: promote worldwide scholarship in nursing education, enhance and advance nursing education globally, and provide a forum for the dissemination of international perspectives and scholarship in nursing education.
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship
Scopus coverage years: from 2003 to Present
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
ISSN: 1548-923X
E-ISSN: 1548-923X
Subject area:
Nursing: General NursingSocial Sciences: Education
Source type: Journal
Student, faculty, curriculum, and program development and evaluation
Theoretically-based teaching and learning strategies in classroom, clinical, and flexible learning contexts
Issues and trends in nursing education
Administration and leadership of nursing education programs
Article formats
Research, expository, and short exemplar articles, as well as critical literature reviews about diploma, degree, post-graduate and continuing education are invited from colleagues around the world.
Abstracting and Indexing
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