AGJSR - Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research
The Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research publishes original research in the field of pure and applied sciences. The journal keeps the standard of the published manuscript high by refereeing it to reputed referees specialized in the respective field. Manuscript are sent o the Editor in Chief of the journal directly.
The Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research Covers the Following Subjects:
- Basic Medical Sciences
- Nutrition and Food Industry
- Biotechnology (Agricultural, Environmental, Medical and Industrial)
- Basic & Applied Sciences
- Environmental Studies
- Hydrogeology and Water Resources Management
- Desert Agriculture
- Strategic Planning
- Technology Management and Transfer
- Computer Sciences and Information Systems
- Applied Physics
- Renewable Energy
- Nanotechnology
- Earth Sciences
- Marine and Oceanography
Title (short) Arab Gulf J. Sci. Res.
Languages English
First year 1983
Subject Multidisciplinary Sciences
Publisher Arab Gulf University
ISBN ISSN 1015-4442
- Water Science Technology
- Agronomy and Crop ScienceEcology,
- Evolution,
- Behavior and Systematics
Arabian Gulf University