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Chinese Journal of Physics - CJP

CJP - Chinese Journal of PhysicsChinese Journal of Physics published by the Physical Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan, since 1963).

Chinese Journal of Physics - CJP

The Chinese Journal of Physics publishes important advances in various branches in physics, including Statistical and biophysical physics, Condensed matter physics, Atomic/molecular physics, Optics and Particle and nuclear physics.

The editors welcome manuscripts on:
  • General Physics
  • Gravitation and Astrophysics
  • Elementary Particles and Fields
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
  • Nonlinear Dynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Classical Optics
  • Plasma and Beam Physics
  • Condensed Matter
  • Polymer, Soft Matter, Biological, and Interdisciplinary Physics
CJP publishes regular research papers, feature articles and review papers.
Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission.

CJP - Chinese Journal of Physics
ISSN: 0577-9073

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