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Chilean Journal of Statistics

The Chilean Journal of Statistics (ChJS) is an official publication of the Chilean Statistical Society. The ChJS takes the place of Revista de la Sociedad Chilena de Estadística, which was published during 1984-2000.

The Chilean Journal of Statistics (ChJS)

The ChJS is an international scientific forum strongly committed to gender equality, open access of publications and data, and the new era of information. The ChJS covers a broad range of topics in statistics, data science, data mining, artificial intelligence, and big data, including research, survey and teaching articles, reviews, and material for statistical discussion. In particular, the ChJS considers timely articles organized into the following sections:

Theory and methods.

Computation, simulation, applications and case studies.
Education and teaching.
Development, evaluation, review, and validation of statistical software and algorithms.
Review articles.
Letters to the editor.
The ChJS editorial board plans to publish one volume per year, with two issues in each volume. On some occasions, certain events or topics may be published in one or more special issues prepared by a guest editor.

Chilean Journal of Statistics

Journal Information

ISSN: 0718-7912 (print), 0718-7920 (online)
Publisher: Chilean Statistical Society
Access: Open access

Indexed/Abstracted in: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ISI web of science), MathSciNet, Zentralblatt Math, DOAJ, ERA, Latindex

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