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List of Pubmed Indexed Journals E


List of journals indexed
List of journals indexed in PubMed

PubMed is a free search engine accessing primarily the MEDLINE database of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics. The United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health maintains the database as part of the Entrez system of information retrieval.

Approximately 30,000 records are included in the PubMed journal list which is updated daily and includes all MEDLINE® titles as well as other non-MEDLINE titles in PubMed. The PubMed journal list covers the entire span of MEDLINE, not just currently indexed journals. The non-MEDLINE journals include those whose content is deposited in PMC (PubMed Central).  
The following is a list of the journals covered by PubMed.

List of Updated Pubmed Indexed Journals

A few notes about the PubMed journal list:
1. The records are in alphabetical order.
2. The ISSN is a sequential identifier number for the journals that appear in various databases;  is an eight-digit serial number used to uniquely identify a serial publication.
3. Full journal title names may contain initial grammar articles (e.g., The, An, A) which may affect the use of these data for searching and filing purposes.



1321-8247 : E law : Murdoch University electronic journal of law
1538-4667 : Ear and hearing
1942-7522 : Ear, nose, & throat journal
1476-8275 : Early child development and care
1573-1707 : Early childhood education journal
1099-0917 : Early development & parenting
1556-6935 : Early education and development
1872-6232 : Early human development
1751-7893 : Early intervention in psychiatry
1537-6583 : Early pregnancy (Online)
1573-3823 : Early science and medicine
1472-4421 : Early years : an international journal of research and development
2333-5084 : Earth and space science (Hoboken, N.J.)
1087-3562 : Earth interactions
1865-0481 : Earth science informatics
1880-5981 : Earth, planets, and space : EPS
1096-9845 : Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics
2328-4277 : Earth's future
1872-6828 : Earth-science reviews
1874-6284 : East Asia (Piscataway, N.J.)
2224-7041 : East Asian archives of psychiatry : official journal of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists = Dong Ya jing shen ke xue zhi : Xianggang jing shen ke yi xue yuan qi kan
2079-7370 : East Asian journal on applied mathematics
1875-2152 : East Asian science, technology and society
1687-1634 : Eastern Mediterranean health journal = La revue de sante de la Mediterranee orientale = al-Majallah al-sihhiyah li-sharq al-mutawassit
1590-1262 : Eating and weight disorders : EWD
1873-7358 : Eating behaviors
1532-530X : Eating disorders
2352-3964 : EBioMedicine
1941-7756 : EBP briefs
1754-6605 : Ecancermedicalscience
2055-0464 : Echo research and practice
1540-8175 : Echocardiography (Mount Kisco, N.Y.)
2073-1558 : Eco.mont
1600-0587 : Ecography
1612-9210 : EcoHealth
1936-0592 : Ecohydrology : ecosystems, land and water process interactions, ecohydrogeomorphology
1873-6106 : Ecological economics : the journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics
1365-2311 : Ecological entomology
1872-7034 : Ecological indicators
1878-0512 : Ecological informatics
2192-1709 : Ecological processes
1532-6969 : Ecological psychology : a publication of the International Society for Ecological Psychology
1939-9170 : Ecology
2045-7758 : Ecology and evolution
1708-3087 : Ecology and society : a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability
1461-0248 : Ecology letters
1543-5237 : Ecology of food and nutrition
1600-0633 : Ecology of freshwater fish
1933-527X : Econ journal watch
1469-4360 : Econometric theory
2349-8846 : Economic and political weekly
1874-9364 : Economic botany
1468-0297 : Economic journal (London, England)
1873-6130 : Economics and human biology
1469-5766 : Economy and society
2324-6200 : EcoSal Plus
2150-8925 : Ecosphere (Washington, D.C)
2212-0416 : Ecosystem services
1435-0629 : Ecosystems (New York, N.Y.)
1573-3017 : Ecotoxicology (London, England)
1090-2414 : Ecotoxicology and environmental safety
2162-8777 : ECS journal of solid state science and technology : JSS
1938-6737 : ECS transactions
1678-4626 : Educacao & sociedade
1475-7575 : Education 3-13
1469-5782 : Education economics
1557-3079 : Education finance and policy
1469-5804 : Education for health (Abingdon, England)
1475-990X : Education for primary care : an official publication of the Association of Course Organisers, National Association of GP Tutors, World Organisation of Family Doctors
1068-2341 : Education policy analysis archives
1746-1987 : Education, citizenship and social justice
1935-1062 : Educational evaluation and policy analysis
1552-3896 : Educational policy (Los Altos, Calif.)
1532-6985 : Educational psychologist
1469-5820 : Educational psychology
1469-5839 : Educational psychology in practice
1573-336X : Educational psychology review
1744-4187 : Educational research and evaluation : an international journal on theory and practice
1469-5847 : Educational research; a review for teachers and all concerned with progress in education
1935-102X : Educational researcher (Washington, D.C. : 1972)
1556-6501 : Educational technology research and development : ETR & D
1538-9685 : Effective clinical practice : ECP
2327-9214 : EGEMS (Washington, DC)
1309-6575 : Egitimde ve psikolojide olcme ve degerlendirme dergisi
1476-3591 : Ehealth international
1542-4367 : EHP toxicogenomics : journal of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
1086-3192 : Eighteenth century life
1086-315X : Eighteenth-century studies
2317-6385 : Einstein (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
1878-1217 : EJC supplements : EJC : official journal of EORTC, European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer ... [et al.]
1650-3414 : EJIFCC
2197-7364 : EJNMMI physics
2191-219X : EJNMMI research
1832-7931 : E-journal of applied psychology : clinical and social issues
1309-0313 : Eklem hastaliklari ve cerrahisi = Joint diseases & related surgery
1521-4109 : Electroanalysis
2092-9935 : Electrolyte & blood pressure : E & BP
1536-8386 : Electromagnetic biology and medicine
1559-8985 : Electromagnetic waves (Cambridge, Mass.)
1873-7846 : Electronic commerce research and applications
1860-9937 : Electronic international journal of time use research
7173-3458 : Electronic journal of biotechnology : EJB
1077-8926 : Electronic journal of combinatorics
2090-729X : Electronic journal of mathematical analysis and applications
1083-6489 : Electronic journal of probability
1417-3875 : Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations
1935-7524 : Electronic journal of statistics
1571-0661 : Electronic notes in theoretical computer science
2008-5842 : Electronic physician
2075-2180 : Electronic proceedings in theoretical computer science
2079-9292 : Electronics
1942-9541 : Electronics and communications in Japan = Denki Gakkai ronbunshi
1522-2683 : Electrophoresis
2325-1026 : Elementa (Washington, D.C.)
1811-5217 : Elements (Quebec, Quebec)
1080-6547 : ELH
2050-084X : eLife
1757-4684 : EMBO molecular medicine
1469-3178 : EMBO reports
2345-4571 : Emergency (Tehran, Iran)
1442-2026 : Emergency medicine (Fremantle, W.A.)
2165-7548 : Emergency medicine : open access
1742-6723 : Emergency medicine Australasia : EMA
1558-0539 : Emergency medicine clinics of North America
2090-2859 : Emergency medicine international
1472-0213 : Emergency medicine journal : EMJ
1559-3908 : Emergency medicine practice
2047-8984 : Emergency nurse : the journal of the RCN Accident and Emergency Nursing Association
1438-1435 : Emergency radiology
2167-6984 : Emerging adulthood (Print)
1752-8550 : Emerging health threats journal
1080-6059 : Emerging infectious diseases
2222-1751 : Emerging microbes & infections
1742-7622 : Emerging themes in epidemiology
1931-1516 : Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
1754-0747 : Emotion review : journal of the International Society for Research on Emotion
1878-0040 : Emotion, space and society
1741-2692 : Emotional and behavioural difficulties : the journal of the Association of Workers for Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
1559-5749 : Empirical musicology review : EMR
1946-9365 : EMS magazine
2159-3078 : EMS world
1873-1929 : Endeavour
1559-0100 : Endocrine
2049-3614 : Endocrine connections
1662-2979 : Endocrine development
2327-3747 : Endocrine disruptors (Austin, Tex.)
1348-4540 : Endocrine journal
1559-0097 : Endocrine pathology
1934-2403 : Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
1336-0329 : Endocrine regulations
1532-4206 : Endocrine research
1945-7189 : Endocrine reviews
2212-3873 : Endocrine, metabolic & immune disorders drug targets
1479-6821 : Endocrine-related cancer
2185-6370 : Endocrinologia japonica
1579-2021 : Endocrinologia y nutricion : organo de la Sociedad Espanola de Endocrinologia y Nutricion
1945-7170 : Endocrinology
2161-1017 : Endocrinology & metabolic syndrome : current research
2093-5978 : Endocrinology and metabolism (Seoul, Korea)
1558-4410 : Endocrinology and metabolism clinics of North America
2052-0573 : Endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism case reports
1601-1546 : Endodontic topics
2299-8306 : Endokrynologia Polska
2300-4266 : Endoplasmic reticulum stress in diseases
2226-7190 : Endoscopic ultrasound
1438-8812 : Endoscopy
2196-9736 : Endoscopy international open
1029-2373 : Endothelium : journal of endothelial cell research
1754-5706 : Energy & environmental science
1873-6785 : Energy (Oxford, England)
1872-6178 : Energy and buildings
1879-2227 : Energy conversion and management
1876-6102 : Energy procedia
2050-0505 : Energy science & engineering
2363-8338 : Energy, ecology & environment
2192-0567 : Energy, sustainability and society
2373-2822 : eNeuro
2405-6502 : eNeurologicalSci
1578-1852 : Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiologia clinica
1579-2013 : Enfermeria clinica
1578-1291 : Enfermeria intensiva
2096-0026 : Engineering (Beijing, China)
1758-7077 : Engineering computations
1872-6917 : Engineering geology
1618-2863 : Engineering in life sciences
1873-7323 : Engineering structures
1435-5663 : Engineering with computers
1744-4217 : English studies (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
2376-046X : Enliven. Challenges in cancer detection and therapy
2379-5751 : Enliven. Journal of stem cell research & regenerative medicine
1875-953X : Entertainment computing
1570-7458 : Entomologia experimentalis et applicata
2162-3236 : Entomological news
2100-9864 : Entreprises et histoire
1099-4300 : Entropy (Basel, Switzerland)
1469-4395 : Environment and development economics
1927-0917 : Environment and pollution (Toronto, Ont.)
1873-6750 : Environment international
1573-1502 : Environmental & resource economics
1352-8505 : Environmental and ecological statistics
1098-2280 : Environmental and molecular mutagenesis
1635-7930 : Environmental biosafety research
1449-8979 : Environmental chemistry (Collingwood, Vic.)
1610-3661 : Environmental chemistry letters
2468-5704 : Environmental disease
1557-9018 : Environmental engineering science
1938-2936 : Environmental entomology
2058-5888 : Environmental epigenetics
1573-1510 : Environmental fluid mechanics (Dordrecht, Netherlands : 2001)
1573-2983 : Environmental geochemistry and health
1476-069X : Environmental health : a global access science source
1347-4715 : Environmental health and preventive medicine
2233-6567 : Environmental health and toxicology
1178-6302 : Environmental health insights
1552-9924 : Environmental health perspectives
2210-4232 : Environmental innovation and societal transitions
1937-5174 : Environmental justice (Print)
1432-1009 : Environmental management
1462-2920 : Environmental microbiology
1758-2229 : Environmental microbiology reports
1873-6726 : Environmental modelling & software : with environment data news
1573-2959 : Environmental monitoring and assessment
1873-6424 : Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)
1466-0474 : Environmental practice : journal of the National Association of Environmental Professionals
1944-7450 : Environmental progress & sustainable energy
1096-0953 : Environmental research
1748-9326 : Environmental research letters : ERL [Web site]
1873-6416 : Environmental science & policy
1520-5851 : Environmental science & technology
2328-8930 : Environmental science & technology letters
2053-1419 : Environmental science : water research & technology
1614-7499 : Environmental science and pollution research international
2051-8161 : Environmental science. Nano
2050-7895 : Environmental science. Processes & impacts
1314-765X : Environmental sciences
2190-4715 : Environmental sciences Europe
2325-1042 : Environmental sociology
1522-7278 : Environmental toxicology
1552-8618 : Environmental toxicology and chemistry
1872-7077 : Environmental toxicology and pharmacology
1099-095X : Environmetrics
1879-0909 : Enzyme and microbial technology
2090-0414 : Enzyme research
1878-0067 : Epidemics
2237-9614 : Epidemiologia e servicos de saude : revista do Sistema Unico de Saude do Brasil
2161-962X : Epidemiologic methods
1742-5573 : Epidemiologic perspectives & innovations : EP+I
1478-6729 : Epidemiologic reviews
1531-5487 : Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)
2161-1165 : Epidemiology (Sunnyvale, Calif.)
2092-7193 : Epidemiology and health
1469-4409 : Epidemiology and infection
2045-7979 : Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences
2090-2980 : Epidemiology Research International
2282-0930 : Epidemiology, biostatistics, and public health
2214-0840 : Epigenetic diagnosis & therapy
1559-2308 : Epigenetics
1756-8935 : Epigenetics & chromatin
1750-192X : Epigenomics
1528-1167 : Epilepsia
1525-5069 : Epilepsy & behavior : E&B
2213-3232 : Epilepsy & behavior case reports
1535-7511 : Epilepsy currents
1872-6844 : Epilepsy research
2090-1356 : Epilepsy research and treatment
1950-6945 : Epileptic disorders : international epilepsy journal with videotape
1750-0117 : Episteme (Edinburgh)
2193-1127 : EPJ data science
2195-7045 : EPJ techniques and instrumentation
1937-5719 : Eplasty
2042-3292 : Equine veterinary education
2042-3306 : Equine veterinary journal
1547-3457 : Equity & excellence in education : University of Massachusetts School of Education journal
1366-5847 : Ergonomics
2169-5083 : Ergonomics in design : the magazine of human factors applications
2312-0541 : ERJ open research
1572-8420 : Erkenntnis
1290-3841 : ESAIM. Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis = ESAIM. Modelisation mathematique et analyse numerique : M=2AN
1262-3318 : ESAIM. Probability and statistics = Probabilites et statistique : P & S
2267-3059 : ESAIM. Proceedings and surveys
2055-5822 : ESC heart failure
1989-3809 : Escritos de psicologia
2059-7029 : ESMO open
1612-9067 : Esophagus : official journal of the Japan Esophageal Society
2212-8263 : e-SPEN journal
1751-4991 : e-SPEN, the European e-journal of clinical nutrition and metabolism
1744-1358 : Essays in biochemistry
1564-121X : Essential drugs monitor
1559-2731 : Estuaries and coasts : journal of the Estuarine Research Federation
1096-0015 : Estuarine, coastal and shelf science
1579-3699 : Estudios de psicologia
1867-7202 : Estudios economicos (Mexico City, Mexico)
1532-7019 : Ethics & behavior
1747-7093 : Ethics & international affairs
2151-8068 : Ethics in biology, engineering & medicine
1611-8014 : Ethics in science and environmental politics
2352-5525 : Ethics, medicine, and public health
2155-0093 : Ethics, policy & environment
2413-7170 : Ethiopian journal of health sciences
1769-695X : Ethique & sante
1741-2706 : Ethnicities
1945-0826 : Ethnicity & disease
1465-3419 : Ethnicity & health
2042-8367 : Ethnicity and inequalities in health and social care
1741-2714 : Ethnography
1527-5477 : Ethnohistory (Columbus, Ohio)
2160-3510 : Ethnology
1744-9065 : Ethnopolitics
1439-0310 : Ethology : formerly Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie
2308-7854 : Etude de la population africaine = African population studies
1492-1405 : Etudes francaises (Montreal, Quebec)
1535-9786 : Eukaryotic cell
2212-9685 : EuPA open proteomics
1573-5060 : Euphytica: Netherlands journal of plant breeding
1938-2863 : Eurasian geography and economics
1687-6180 : EURASIP journal on advances in signal processing
1687-4153 : EURASIP journal on bioinformatics & systems biology
1687-5281 : EURASIP journal on image and video processing
1687-1499 : EURASIP journal on wireless communications and networking
1560-7917 : Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin
2070-5786 : Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine
1969-6213 : EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology
1827-1804 : Europa medicophysica
1532-2092 : Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology
1421-9891 : European addiction research
1879-730X : European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases
1434-4726 : European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
1996-9805 : European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry
1433-8491 : European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience
1432-1017 : European biophysics journal : EBJ
1758-3764 : European cardiology
1473-2262 : European cells & materials
1435-165X : European child & adolescent psychiatry
2001-8525 : European clinical respiratory journal
1952-4005 : European cytokine network
1099-0968 : European eating disorders review : the journal of the Eating Disorders Association
1758-3802 : European gastroenterology & hepatology review
1878-7657 : European geriatric medicine
1522-9645 : European heart journal
2047-2412 : European heart journal cardiovascular Imaging
1554-2815 : European heart journal supplements : journal of the European Society of Cardiology
2048-8734 : European heart journal. Acute cardiovascular care
2055-6845 : European heart journal. Cardiovascular pharmacotherapy
2058-1742 : European heart journal. Quality of care & clinical outcomes
1755-1145 : European infectious disease
2052-5656 : European journal for person centered healthcare
1879-4920 : European journal for philosophy of science
1613-9380 : European journal of ageing
1873-7331 : European journal of agronomy : the journal of the European Society for Agronomy
1365-2346 : European journal of anaesthesiology
2340-311X : European journal of anatomy : official journal of the Spanish Society of Anatomy
1469-4425 : European journal of applied mathematics
1439-6327 : European journal of applied physiology
1741-2722 : European journal of archaeology
2377-729X : European journal of behavior analysis
1432-1033 : European journal of biochemistry
1878-5980 : European journal of cancer & clinical oncology
1879-0852 : European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990)
1365-2354 : European journal of cancer care
1473-5709 : European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP)
1878-6766 : European journal of cancer. Part B, Oral oncology
1873-734X : European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery
1873-1953 : European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology
1741-8275 : European journal of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation : official journal of the European Society of Cardiology, Working Groups on Epidemiology & Prevention and Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology
2284-2594 : European journal of case reports in internal medicine
1618-1298 : European journal of cell biology
2153-2257 : European journal of chemistry (Print)
1759-8966 : European journal of clinical & medical oncology
1365-2362 : European journal of clinical investigation
1435-4373 : European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases : official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology
1476-5640 : European journal of clinical nutrition
1432-1041 : European journal of clinical pharmacology
1095-9971 : European journal of combinatorics = Journal europeen de combinatoire = Europaische Zeitschrift fur Kombinatorik
1600-0579 : European journal of dental education : official journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe
1305-7464 : European journal of dentistry
1952-4013 : European journal of dermatology : EJD
1863-382X : European journal of developmental science
2107-0180 : European journal of drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics
1570-0615 : European journal of East Asian studies
1532-2114 : European journal of echocardiography : the journal of the Working Group on Echocardiography of the European Society of Cardiology
1473-5695 : European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine
1479-683X : European journal of endocrinology
1744-4233 : European journal of English studies
1573-7284 : European journal of epidemiology
1612-4677 : European journal of forest research
1473-5687 : European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology
2320-4753 : European journal of general dentistry
1600-0609 : European journal of haematology
1571-8093 : European journal of health law
1879-0844 : European journal of heart failure
2038-8306 : European journal of histochemistry : EJH
2047-9964 : European journal of hospital pharmacy. Science and practice
1476-5438 : European journal of human genetics : EJHG
1365-2370 : European journal of immunogenetics : official journal of the British Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
1521-4141 : European journal of immunology
1476-9344 : European journal of information systems : an official journal of the Operational Research Society
1099-0682 : European journal of inorganic chemistry
1876-3839 : European journal of integrative medicine
1879-0828 : European journal of internal medicine
1438-9312 : European journal of lipid science and technology : EJLST
1751-6838 : European journal of mass spectrometry (Chichester, England)
2199-6768 : European journal of mathematics
1873-7285 : European journal of mechanics. A, Solids
1873-7390 : European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids
1878-0849 : European journal of medical genetics
2047-783X : European journal of medical research
1768-3254 : European journal of medicinal chemistry
2231-0894 : European journal of medicinal plants
2062-8633 : European journal of microbiology & immunology
1744-4241 : European journal of morphology
1662-596X : European journal of nanomedicine
1468-1331 : European journal of neurology
1619-7089 : European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging
1436-6215 : European journal of nutrition
1872-7654 : European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology
1532-2122 : European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society
1724-6016 : European journal of ophthalmology
1756-2414 : European journal of oral implantology
1600-0722 : European journal of oral sciences
1460-2210 : European journal of orthodontics
2035-648X : European journal of paediatric dentistry : official journal of European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry
1532-2130 : European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society
1532-2149 : European journal of pain (London, England)
1878-0075 : European journal of pain supplements
1439-359X : European journal of pediatric surgery : official journal of Austrian Association of Pediatric Surgery ... [et al] = Zeitschrift fur Kinderchirurgie
2194-7627 : European journal of pediatric surgery reports
1432-1076 : European journal of pediatrics
1099-0984 : European journal of personality
1879-0720 : European journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences
1873-3441 : European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics : official journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.V
1879-0712 : European journal of pharmacology
1469-4433 : European journal of phycology
1973-9095 : European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine
2167-9177 : European journal of physiotherapy
1573-8469 : European journal of plant pathology
1435-0130 : European journal of plastic surgery
1873-5703 : European journal of political economy
2047-4881 : European journal of preventive cardiology
1618-0429 : European journal of protistology
2151-2426 : European journal of psychological assessment : official organ of the European Association of Psychological Assessment
1469-5901 : European journal of psychotherapy & counselling
2000-8066 : European journal of psychotraumatology
1464-360X : European journal of public health
1872-7727 : European journal of radiology
2352-0477 : European journal of radiology open
2148-4279 : European journal of rheumatology
2190-8249 : European journal of risk regulation : EJRR
1778-3615 : European journal of soil biology
1365-2389 : European journal of soil science
1536-7290 : European journal of sport science
1532-2157 : European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology
2037-7460 : European journal of translational myology
1863-9941 : European journal of trauma and emergency surgery : official publication of the European Trauma Society
1532-2165 : European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery
1572-9869 : European journal on criminal policy and research
2394-3211 : European journal pharmaceutical and medical research
2054-6181 : European medical journal. Diabetes
2513-8634 : European medical journal. Innovations
2054-619X : European medical journal. Oncology
2059-450X : European Medical Journal. Reproductive health
2053-4213 : European medical Journal. Urology
1758-3845 : European neurological review
1421-9913 : European neurology
1873-7862 : European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology
1758-3861 : European oncology
2045-5283 : European oncology & haematology
1867-4577 : European orthopaedics and traumatology
1757-1014 : European paediatrics review
1741-2749 : European physical education review
2190-5444 : European physical journal plus
1873-1945 : European polymer journal
1778-3585 : European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists
1878-531X : European psychologist
1432-1084 : European radiology
1600-0617 : European respiratory review : an official journal of the European Respiratory Society
2284-0729 : European review for medical and pharmacological sciences
1861-6909 : European review of aging and physical activity : official journal of the European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity
1474-0044 : European review of economic history
1469-8293 : European review of history = Revue europeene d'histoire
1479-277X : European review of social psychology
1857-7431 : European scientific journal
1432-0932 : European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society
1682-4016 : European surgery : ACA : Acta chirurgica Austriaca
1421-9921 : European surgical research. Europaische chirurgische Forschung. Recherches chirurgicales europeennes
2235-0802 : European thyroid journal
1758-406X : European urological review
1873-7560 : European urology
2405-4569 : European urology focus
1841-0413 : Europe's journal of psychology
0302-072X : Europhysics letters
1552-3918 : Evaluation & the health professions
1461-7153 : Evaluation (London, England : 1995)
1873-7870 : Evaluation and program planning
1552-3926 : Evaluation review
1744-2656 : Evidence & policy : a journal of research, debate and practice
1715-720X : Evidence based library and information practice
1532-2173 : Evidence-based cardiovascular medicine
1557-6272 : Evidence-based child health : a Cochrane review journal
1748-9547 : Evidence-based communication assessment and intervention
1741-4288 : Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM
1476-5446 : Evidence-based dentistry
1473-6810 : Evidence-based medicine
2380-8500 : Evidence-based medicine & public health
1468-960X : Evidence-based mental health
1468-9618 : Evidence-based nursing
2054-703X : Evidence-based preclinical medicine
1869-4136 : Evidence-based spine-care journal
2041-9139 : EvoDevo
1936-6434 : Evolution
1525-142X : Evolution & development
2050-6201 : Evolution, medicine, and public health
1558-5646 : Evolution; international journal of organic evolution
1520-6505 : Evolutionary anthropology
1752-4571 : Evolutionary applications
1176-9343 : Evolutionary bioinformatics online
1934-2845 : Evolutionary biology
1530-9304 : Evolutionary computation
1573-8477 : Evolutionary ecology
1937-3791 : Evolutionary ecology research
1864-5917 : Evolutionary intelligence
1474-7049 : Evolutionary psychology : an international journal of evolutionary approaches to psychology and behavior
2163-5560 : Exceptional children
1532-7035 : Exceptionality
1611-2156 : EXCLI journal
1538-3008 : Exercise and sport sciences reviews
1848-9214 : Exosomes and microvesicles
1572-9702 : Experimental & applied acarology
2092-6413 : Experimental & molecular medicine
2040-7378 : Experimental & translational stroke medicine
1096-4657 : Experimental aging research
1938-7237 : Experimental analysis of human behavior bulletin [electronic resource]
1918-1515 : Experimental and clinical cardiology
1439-3646 : Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes : official journal, German Society of Endocrinology [and] German Diabetes Association
1936-2293 : Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology
2146-8427 : Experimental and clinical transplantation : official journal of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation
1096-0945 : Experimental and molecular pathology
1792-1015 : Experimental and therapeutic medicine
1618-1433 : Experimental and toxicologic pathology : official journal of the Gesellschaft fur Toxikologische Pathologie
1881-7122 : Experimental animals
1535-3699 : Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.)
1432-1106 : Experimental brain research
1090-2422 : Experimental cell research
1600-0625 : Experimental dermatology
1543-8619 : Experimental diabesity research
1687-5303 : Experimental diabetes research
1573-6938 : Experimental economics
1096-0007 : Experimental eye research
1873-6815 : Experimental gerontology
1873-2399 : Experimental hematology
2162-3619 : Experimental hematology & oncology
1521-0499 : Experimental lung research
1944-950X : Experimental mathematics
1741-2765 : Experimental mechanics
2093-8144 : Experimental neurobiology
1090-2430 : Experimental neurology
1090-2449 : Experimental parasitology
1469-445X : Experimental physiology
2190-5142 : Experimental psychology
1747-1567 : Experimental techniques
1432-1114 : Experiments in fluids
1744-7682 : Expert opinion on biological therapy
1744-7593 : Expert opinion on drug delivery
1746-045X : Expert opinion on drug discovery
1744-7607 : Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology
1744-764X : Expert opinion on drug safety
1744-7623 : Expert opinion on emerging drugs
2325-9655 : Expert opinion on environmental biology
1744-7658 : Expert opinion on investigational drugs
1753-0067 : Expert opinion on medical diagnostics
2167-8707 : Expert opinion on orphan drugs
1744-7666 : Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy
1744-7674 : Expert opinion on therapeutic patents
1744-7631 : Expert opinion on therapeutic targets
1744-8328 : Expert review of anticancer therapy
1744-8336 : Expert review of anti-infective therapy
1744-8344 : Expert review of cardiovascular therapy
1744-8409 : Expert review of clinical immunology
1751-2441 : Expert review of clinical pharmacology
1744-8417 : Expert review of endocrinology & metabolism
1747-4132 : Expert review of gastroenterology & hepatology
1747-4094 : Expert review of hematology
1745-2422 : Expert review of medical devices
1744-8352 : Expert review of molecular diagnostics
1744-8360 : Expert review of neurotherapeutics
1747-4116 : Expert review of obstetrics & gynecology
1744-8379 : Expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research
2380-8993 : Expert review of precision medicine and drug development
1744-8387 : Expert review of proteomics
2380-9000 : Expert review of quality of life in cancer care
1747-6356 : Expert review of respiratory medicine
1744-8395 : Expert review of vaccines
1462-3994 : Expert reviews in molecular medicine
1878-7541 : Explore (New York, N.Y.)
1878-0792 : Expositiones mathematicae
1788-618X : EXPRESS polymer letters
2352-4316 : Extreme Mechanics Letters
2046-7648 : Extreme physiology & medicine
1572-915X : Extremes
1433-4909 : Extremophiles : life under extreme conditions
1542-233X : Eye & contact lens
1476-5454 : Eye (London, England)
1179-2744 : Eye and brain
2326-0254 : Eye and vision (London, England)

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