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IJHS - International Journal of Health Sciences

IJHS - International Journal of Health Sciences

International Journal of Health Sciences is a forum for scholarly and state-of-the-art research into all aspects of health sciences education. It will publish empirical studies as well as discussions of theoretical issues and practical implications. The primary focus of the Journal is linking theory to practice, thus priority will be given to papers that have a sound theoretical basis and strong methodology. 

International Journal of Health Sciences

International Journal of Health Sciences

Scopus coverage years: from 2021 to Present
Scopus Link
PublisherUniversidad Tecnica de Manabi
Subject area: 
    Nursing: (Multidisciplinary) General
    Social Sciences: Education

Publish With IJHS 

IJHS is targeted at publishing the most influential research on international students in the world to a multidisciplinary audience:

High ranking: Rigorous peer review of your research in a top-ranked journal in international education and higher education.
Worldwide representation: More than 250 scholars based in 36+ countries have submitted and published articles in the journal. More than half of our articles include authors from Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, and South America.
Online first publishing: We aim to provide initial decisions within 90 days from new manuscript submission and publish accepted manuscripts in 'Online First' format for the forthcoming issue. 
Global exposure: The combination of ranking, open-access, and indexing in all major academic databases increases the discoverability and citation of your work.

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