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BAB - Bulletin Antieke Beschaving (BABESCH)

Bulletin Antieke Beschaving (BABESCH)

Bulletin Antieke Beschaving (BABESCH)

BABESCH - Annual Papers on Mediterranean Archaeology is an annual peer-reviewed journal devoted to studies in Mediterranean archaeology in English, French, German, and Italian. Its aim is to present such studies as are likely to appeal to all with an academic interest in Mediterranean archaeology, whatever his or her specialization. The authors assume sole responsibility for the opinions expressed in their papers. This established journal publishes original research papers, short notes of wider archaeological significance and book reviews.

English title:Babesch
ISSN:0165-9367 (print), 1783-1369 (online)
Publisher: Peeters Publishers
Country: BE

Disciplines /specializations:
Arts and Humanities / Archeology (arts and humanities)
Arts and Humanities / Classics
Social Sciences / Archeology

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