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Scopus indexed journals in Health Professions


Here, scopujournals listed the global list of Scopus indexed journals in “Health Professions” by alphabitical ordre to help the research scholars, academicians, and scientists for publishing their research outcomes pertaining to Health Professions.

Scopus indexed journals in Health Professions

Health Professions
9 journals

Print-ISSN  E-ISSN  Title
1534-5084 : 0000-0000 : Assessment for Effective Intervention
1931-7093 : 0000-0000 : Behavioral Healthcare
0968-7599 : 1360-0508 : Disability and Society
0739-9332 : 1096-4665 : Health Care for Women International
1386-9620 : 1572-9389 : Health Care Management Science
0735-9683 : 1545-0864 : Health Marketing Quarterly
0022-2194 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Learning Disabilities
0731-9487 : 0000-0000 : Learning Disability Quarterly
1540-7969 : 0000-0000 : Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities

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