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Nature Astronomy


Nature Astronomy publishes research, reviews and commentary at the cutting edge of astronomy, astrophysics and planetary science. Aiming to promote closer interaction between diverse astronomy-relevant disciplines, we consult widely with researchers at all stages of their careers, and more than one third of our commissioned authors are women.


Why publish in Nature Astronomy?

  • Our robust peer-review process ensures quality, fairness and balance, and typically involves three referees. 
  • As an online-only journal, our articles are published as soon as they are ready, enabling swift dissemination across the astronomy community.
  • Authors can expand the reach of their work by posting preprints on repositories such as arXiv or their institutional equivalents, and sharing the published PDF through our free SharedIt initiative.
  • Our professional editorial team of PhD scientists makes all decisions and provides input on the structure, clarity and language of all articles, while our talented in-house art editors bring the figures to life visually.
  • We work hard to ensure that your article can be easily discovered, accessed, understood, used and shared, to provide maximum impact and act as a springboard for further discovery.

Additional information

Journal abbreviation

The correct abbreviation for abstracting and indexing purposes is Nat. Astron.

Publisher: Nature publishing group


Our electronic international standard serial number (EISSN) is 2397-3366.


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