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Scopus Indexed journals in Artificial Intelligence

Are you looking to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence research? Dive into the world of Scopus Indexed journals and explore the limitless potential of undefined. From cutting-edge algorithms to innovative applications, these journals provide a glimpse into the future of AI. Discover groundbreaking studies, groundbreaking discoveries, and thought-provoking insights that will challenge your understanding of undefined. Join the ranks of top researchers and scholars who are pushing the boundaries of AI knowledge. Get ready to be amazed by the fascinating world of Scopus Indexed journals in Artificial Intelligence.

Scopus Indexed Journals in Engineering

Artificial Intelligence Scopus Indexed journals

Presenting here the list of top journals in the field of  Artificial Intelligence, which you can always refer to and cite while writing your thesis and research papers. This list is ordered by Scopus ranking. Subject category Artificial Intelligence.


1700 Computer Science
1702 Artificial Intelligence

P-ISSN                   E-ISSN                    SOURCE TITLE

2157-6904 : 2157-6912 : ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology

2160-6455 : 2160-6463 : ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
1474-0346 : 0000-0000 : Advanced Engineering Informatics
0951-5666 : 1435-5655 : AI and Society
0921-7126 : 0000-0000 : AI Communications
0738-4602 : 0000-0000 : AI Magazine
1012-2443 : 1573-7470 : Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
0883-9514 : 0000-0000 : Applied Artificial Intelligence
0924-669X : 1573-7497 : Applied Intelligence
1946-2166 : 1946-2174 : Argument and Computation
0004-3702 : 0000-0000 : Artificial Intelligence
0924-8463 : 1572-8382 : Artificial Intelligence and Law
0890-0604 : 1469-1760 : Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM
0933-3657 : 0000-0000 : Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
0269-2821 : 1573-7462 : Artificial Intelligence Review
1064-5462 : 1530-9185 : Artificial Life
1433-5298 : 0000-0000 : Artificial Life and Robotics
1387-2532 : 1573-7454 : Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
0929-5593 : 1573-7527 : Autonomous Robots
2212-683X : 0000-0000 : Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures
0239-7528 : 2300-1917 : Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences
1612-4782 : 1612-4790 : Cognitive Processing
0010-0285 : 1095-5623 : Cognitive Psychology
0364-0213 : 0000-0000 : Cognitive Science
1389-0417 : 0000-0000 : Cognitive Systems Research
2211-3568 : 2211-3576 : Computability
0824-7935 : 1467-8640 : Computational Intelligence
0891-2017 : 1530-9312 : Computational Linguistics
0954-0091 : 1360-0494 : Connection Science
1383-7133 : 1572-9354 : Constraints
2223-7038 : 2226-4116 : Cybernetics and Physics
0196-9722 : 1087-6553 : Cybernetics and Systems
0142-694X : 0000-0000 : Design Studies
0952-1976 : 0000-0000 : Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
1864-5909 : 0000-0000 : Evolutionary Intelligence
0266-4720 : 1468-0394 : Expert Systems
0957-4174 : 0000-0000 : Expert Systems with Applications
1935-8237 : 0000-0000 : Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning
1662-5218 : 0000-0000 : Frontiers in Neurorobotics
1616-8658 : 1616-8666 : Fuzzy Information and Engineering
1568-4539 : 1573-2908 : Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making
0165-0114 : 0000-0000 : Fuzzy Sets and Systems
1556-603X : 0000-0000 : IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine
1541-1672 : 0000-0000 : IEEE Intelligent Systems
2379-8920 : 2379-8939 : IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems
1943-068X : 1943-0698 : IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games
1063-6706 : 0000-0000 : IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
2168-2291 : 0000-0000 : IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
2162-237X : 0000-0000 : IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
0162-8828 : 0000-0000 : IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
2329-9274 : 0000-0000 : IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
0916-8532 : 0000-0000 : IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
0350-5596 : 0000-0000 : Informatica (Slovenia)
1002-0411 : 0000-0000 : Information and Control
0020-0255 : 0000-0000 : Information Sciences
1069-2509 : 0000-0000 : Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering
1137-3601 : 1988-3064 : Inteligencia Artificial
1079-8587 : 0000-0000 : Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
1088-467X : 0000-0000 : Intelligent Data Analysis
1872-4981 : 0000-0000 : Intelligent Decision Technologies
1861-2776 : 0000-0000 : Intelligent Service Robotics
1729-8806 : 1729-8814 : International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
0888-613X : 1873-4731 : International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
0974-0635 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Artificial Intelligence
1557-3958 : 1557-3966 : International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence
0920-5691 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Computer Vision
1562-2479 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Fuzzy Systems
0219-8436 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Humanoid Robotics
0884-8173 : 1098-111X : International Journal of Intelligent Systems
2074-904X : 2074-9058 : International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications
1327-2314 : 1875-8827 : International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems
1868-8071 : 1868-808X : International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics
2045-1059 : 2045-1067 : International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation
1744-2869 : 1744-2850 : International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation
0218-0014 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
0826-8185 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Robotics and Automation
0278-3649 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Robotics Research
0218-1940 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
0218-4885 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems
0218-2130 : 0000-0000 : International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools
2041-6695 : 0000-0000 : i-Perception
1735-0654 : 0000-0000 : Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems
1002-0446 : 0000-0000 : Jiqiren/Robot
1343-0130 : 1883-8014 : Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics
1994-5450 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Artificial Intelligence
2083-2567 : 2449-6499 : Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research
1076-9757 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
0168-7433 : 1573-0670 : Journal of Automated Reasoning
1897-8649 : 2080-2145 : Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems
1598-2327 : 1976-6939 : Journal of Cognitive Science
1549-3636 : 1552-6607 : Journal of Computer Science
1355-8250 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Consciousness Studies
0952-813X : 1362-3079 : Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
1381-1231 : 1572-9397 : Journal of Heuristics
2322-1437 : 2345-2773 : Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication
1064-1246 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
0921-0296 : 1573-0409 : Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications
0925-9902 : 1573-7675 : Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
0956-5515 : 1572-8145 : Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
0334-1860 : 2191-026X : Journal of Intelligent Systems
1532-4435 : 1533-7928 : Journal of Machine Learning Research
0749-596X : 1096-0821 : Journal of Memory and Language
0743-7315 : 1096-0848 : Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
0378-2166 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Pragmatics
1094-6136 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Scheduling
0167-5133 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Semantics
0004-5411 : 0000-0000 : Journal of the ACM
1752-8909 : 1752-8917 : Journal of Uncertain Systems
1861-2032 : 1861-2040 : Journal on Data Semantics
0219-1377 : 0000-0000 : Knowledge and Information Systems
0269-8889 : 1469-8005 : Knowledge Engineering Review
0950-7051 : 0000-0000 : Knowledge-Based Systems
1001-0920 : 0000-0000 : Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision
0023-5954 : 1805-949X : Kybernetika
1757-9961 : 1757-997X : Law, Innovation and Technology
1132-0214 : 2079-312X : Linguistica
0885-6125 : 1573-0565 : Machine Learning
0922-6567 : 1573-0573 : Machine Translation
0141-9331 : 0000-0000 : Microprocessors and Microsystems
0924-6495 : 1572-8641 : Minds and Machines
1003-6059 : 0000-0000 : Moshi Shibie yu Rengong Zhineng/Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
0923-6082 : 1573-0824 : Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
1351-3249 : 1469-8110 : Natural Language Engineering
1566-113X : 0000-0000 : Networks and Spatial Economics
0941-0643 : 1433-3058 : Neural Computing and Applications
1210-0552 : 2336-4335 : Neural Network World
0893-6080 : 0000-0000 : Neural Networks
1370-4621 : 1573-773X : Neural Processing Letters
0925-2312 : 0000-0000 : Neurocomputing
0167-8191 : 0000-0000 : Parallel Computing
1433-7541 : 1433-755X : Pattern Analysis and Applications
0031-3203 : 0000-0000 : Pattern Recognition
0167-8655 : 0000-0000 : Pattern Recognition Letters
0301-0066 : 1468-4233 : Perception
1571-0645 : 0000-0000 : Physics of Life Reviews
0992-499X : 0000-0000 : Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle
1120-9550 : 0000-0000 : Sistemi Intelligenti
2169-5172 : 0000-0000 : Soft Robotics
2078-9181 : 2078-9599 : SPIIRAS Proceedings
2311-004X : 2310-5070 : Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing
1935-3812 : 0000-0000 : Swarm Intelligence
1471-0684 : 1475-3081 : Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
1756-8757 : 1756-8765 : Topics in Cognitive Science
1346-0714 : 0000-0000 : Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
2405-6456 : 2405-6464 : Web Intelligence

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