Pleiades Group of Companies
For over 50 years, Pleiades and its subsidiaries have been bridging the gap between scientists in all the territories of the Eastern Europe and other countries. Pleiades is an American company that publishes more than 20,000 articles per year in its over 180 English language journals which are registered in the USA and indexed in international databases, such as Web of Science and Scopus.
Scientific Journals
Pleiades Publishing is a key company in the group and provides the world scientific community with access to the results of scientific research. The publishing group’s portfolio includes about 200 English-language journals practically in all areas of modern science: physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, energetics, economics, etc. Many of the authors of the articles published are well known all over the world.
Springer Nature is a distributor of our English-language journals. You can read articles of our journal collection on the portal SpringerLink.
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