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Scopus Indexed Journals List - B -

 Scopus is Elsevier's abstract and citation database launched in 2004. 

The following is a list of the journals covered by Scopus.

Scopus indexed journals List B

Sopus indexed journals - B -

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The Journal Title List includes free journal content that are available for linking from Scopus. You can browse for a journal using the links below. Alternatively, you can perform a search for a specific journal title by following the instructions provided in the search box.

P-ISSN                   E-ISSN                    SOURCE TITLE

1783-1369 :  0165-9367 :  Babesch
2411-7986 :  2078-8665 :  Baghdad Science Journal
1887-505X :  1576-3935 :  Bajo Palabra
2176-4573 :  0000-0000 :  Bakhtiniana
2367-5438 :  1313-888X :  Balkan Journal of Philosophy
2146-3131 :  2146-3123 :  Balkan Medical Journal
2346-5581 :  1736-8812 :  Baltic Journal of Art History
2228-0596 :  0000-0000 :  Baltic Journal of European Studies
1822-4288 :  1822-427X :  Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering
2076-0299 :  2223-4721 :  Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science
1991-0088 :  1991-007X :  Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology
1947-6140 :  1947-7945 :  Banking and Finance Review
1991-7074 :  1816-7403 :  Banks and Bank Systems
2168-0248 :  2168-023X :  Bariatric Surgical Patient Care
1532-4834 :  0197-3533 :  Basic and Applied Social Psychology
2051-4190 :  1166-2654 :  Basic and Clinical Andrology
1435-1803 :  0300-8428 :  Basic Research in Cardiology
1365-2117 :  0950-091X :  Basin Research
1931-6690 :  1936-0975 :  Bayesian Analysis
1573-3297 :  0001-8244 :  Behavior Genetics
1554-3528 :  1554-351X :  Behavior Research Methods
1469-1825 :  0140-525X :  Behavioral and Brain Sciences
1544-4546 :  0163-9269 :  Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian
1465-7279 :  1045-2249 :  Behavioral Ecology
1432-0762 :  0340-5443 :  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
1099-078X :  1072-0847 :  Behavioral Interventions
1558-8009 :  1050-4753 :  Behavioral Research in Accounting
1099-0798 :  0735-3936 :  Behavioral Sciences and the Law
1943-4480 :  1943-4472 :  Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression
1540-2010 :  1540-2002 :  Behavioral Sleep Medicine
1568-539X :  0005-7959 :  Behaviour
1362-3001 :  0144-929X :  Behaviour and Information Technology
1469-1833 :  1352-4658 :  Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy
1473-5849 :  0955-8810 :  Behavioural Pharmacology
1538-7305 :  1089-7089 :  Bell Labs Technical Journal
1755-165X :  1079-3453 :  Ben Jonson Journal
1876-2891 :  1876-2883 :  Beneficial microbes
1944-8279 :  0268-2621 :  Bereavement Care
1522-2365 :  0170-6233 :  Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
1439-0299 :  0005-9366 :  Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift
1437-1006 :  0005-9900 :  Beton- und Stahlbetonbau
2385-2062 :  0006-0887 :  Biblica
1945-7596 :  0146-1079 :  Biblical Theology Bulletin
2167-647X :  2167-6461 :  Big Data
2065-1155 :  1843-5637 :  Biharean Biologist
1523-5890 :  1523-5882 :  Bilingual Research Journal
1469-1841 :  1366-7289 :  Bilingualism
1896-530X :  1895-9091 :  Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems
1757-6199 :  1757-6180 :  Bioanalysis
1867-2094 :  1867-2086 :  Bioanalytical Reviews
1899-962X :  1898-9403 :  Bioarchaeology of the Near East
1949-100X :  1949-0992 :  Bioarchitecture
2280-6172 :  2280-6180 :  Bio-based and Applied Economics
1090-2104 :  0006-291X :  Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
1573-4927 :  0006-2928 :  Biochemical Genetics
1470-8728 :  0264-6021 :  Biochemical Journal
1470-8752 :  0300-5127 :  Biochemical Society Transactions
1520-4995 :  0006-2960 :  Biochemistry
1608-3040 :  0006-2979 :  Biochemistry (Moscow)
1990-7516 :  1990-7508 :  Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series B: Biomedical Chemistry
2405-5808 :  0000-0000 :  Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports
1208-6002 :  0829-8211 :  Biochemistry and Cell Biology
2092-7843 :  1976-0280 :  Biochip Journal
1520-4812 :  1043-1802 :  Bioconjugate Chemistry
1573-8248 :  1386-6141 :  BioControl
1360-0478 :  0958-3157 :  Biocontrol Science and Technology
1572-9729 :  0923-9820 :  Biodegradation
2085-4722 :  1412-033X :  Biodiversitas
1572-9710 :  0960-3115 :  Biodiversity and Conservation
1314-2828 :  0000-0000 :  Biodiversity Data Journal
1521-186X :  0197-8462 :  Bioelectromagnetics
2165-5987 :  2165-5979 :  Bioengineered
1521-1878 :  0265-9247 :  BioEssays
1467-8519 :  0269-9702 :  Bioethics
1758-5090 :  1758-5082 :  Biofabrication
1029-2454 :  0892-7014 :  Biofouling
2292-8782 :  0000-0000 :  Biofuel Research Journal
1573-515X :  0168-2563 :  Biogeochemistry
1726-4189 :  1726-4170 :  Biogeosciences
1810-6285 :  1810-6277 :  Biogeosciences Discussions
1573-6768 :  1389-5729 :  Biogerontology
1529-1456 :  0162-4962 :  Biography
2228-5660 :  2228-5652 :  BioImpacts
1367-4811 :  1367-4803 :  Bioinformatics
1687-479X :  1565-3633 :  Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications
1748-3190 :  1748-3182 :  Bioinspiration and Biomimetics
2045-9866 :  2045-9858 :  Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials
2069-5837 :  0000-0000 :  Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry
1934-8630 :  1559-4106 :  Biointerphases
2242-1300 :  0000-0000 :  BioInvasions Records
2284-4503 :  0000-0000 :  BioLaw Journal
1336-9563 :  0006-3088 :  Biologia (Poland)
1573-8264 :  0006-3134 :  Biologia Plantarum
1347-5215 :  0918-6158 :  Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
1437-4315 :  1431-6730 :  Biological Chemistry
1090-2112 :  1049-9644 :  Biological Control
1432-0770 :  0340-1200 :  Biological Cybernetics
1573-1464 :  1387-3547 :  Biological Invasions
1095-8312 :  0024-4066 :  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
1734-7467 :  1644-7700 :  Biological Letters
0717-6287 :  0716-9760 :  Biological Research
1095-8320 :  1045-1056 :  Biologicals
1177-5491 :  1177-5475 :  Biologics: Targets and Therapy
2105-0686 :  2105-0678 :  Biologie Aujourd'hui
2079-7737 :  0000-0000 :  Biology
1432-0789 :  0178-2762 :  Biology and Fertility of Soils
1572-8404 :  0169-3867 :  Biology and Philosophy
1608-3059 :  1062-3590 :  Biology Bulletin
1744-957X :  1744-9561 :  Biology Letters
1523-6536 :  1083-8791 :  Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation
1529-7268 :  0006-3363 :  Biology of Reproduction
2042-6410 :  0000-0000 :  Biology of Sex Differences
1768-322X :  0248-4900 :  Biology of the Cell
2046-6390 :  0000-0000 :  Biology Open
1526-4602 :  1525-7797 :  Biomacromolecules
2050-7771 :  0000-0000 :  Biomarker Research
1366-5804 :  1354-750X :  Biomarkers
1752-0371 :  1752-0363 :  Biomarkers in Medicine
2190-6823 :  2190-6815 :  Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
2055-7124 :  0000-0000 :  Biomaterials Research
2047-4849 :  2047-4830 :  Biomaterials Science
2159-2535 :  2159-2527 :  Biomatter
2314-6141 :  2314-6133 :  BioMed Research International
2456-2610 :  0974-6242 :  Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal
1099-0801 :  0269-3879 :  Biomedical Chromatography
1573-8256 :  0006-3398 :  Bio-Medical Engineering
2093-985X :  2093-9868 :  Biomedical Engineering Letters
2299-3932 :  0000-0000 :  Biomedical Glasses
2080-2234 :  0000-0000 :  Biomedical Human Kinetics
2320-2890 :  2319-4170 :  Biomedical Journal
1748-605X :  1748-6041 :  Biomedical Materials (Bristol)
1572-8781 :  1387-2176 :  Biomedical Microdevices
1804-7521 :  1213-8118 :  Biomedical papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacky, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia
2057-1976 :  0000-0000 :  Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express
2049-9442 :  2049-9434 :  Biomedical Reports
1880-313X :  0388-6107 :  Biomedical Research (Japan)
1314-1929 :  1310-392X :  Biomedical Reviews
2227-9059 :  0000-0000 :  Biomedicines
2310-6905 :  2310-6972 :  Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya
1572-8773 :  0966-0844 :  Biometals
1521-4036 :  0323-3847 :  Biometrical Journal
1541-0420 :  0006-341X :  Biometrics
1464-3510 :  0006-3444 :  Biometrika
1868-503X :  1868-5021 :  Biomolecular Concepts
2214-7535 :  0000-0000 :  Biomolecular Detection and Quantification
1874-270X :  1874-2718 :  Biomolecular NMR Assignments
2218-273X :  0000-0000 :  Biomolecules
2005-4483 :  1976-9148 :  Biomolecules and Therapeutics
2193-066X :  0000-0000 :  BioNanoMaterials
2191-1649 :  2191-1630 :  BioNanoScience
1464-3391 :  0968-0896 :  Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
1464-3405 :  0960-894X :  Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters
1090-2120 :  0045-2068 :  Bioorganic Chemistry
1099-081X :  0142-2782 :  Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition
1542-0086 :  0006-3495 :  Biophysical Journal
1867-2469 :  1867-2450 :  Biophysical Reviews
1097-0282 :  0006-3525 :  Biopolymers
1947-5543 :  1947-5535 :  Biopreservation and Biobanking
1615-7605 :  1615-7591 :  Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering
2164-7860 :  0000-0000 :  BioResearch Open Access
2197-4365 :  0000-0000 :  Bioresources and Bioprocessing
1313-2652 :  1313-2644 :  BioRisk
1754-7431 :  0000-0000 :  Bioscience Horizons
1981-3163 :  1516-3725 :  Bioscience Journal
2186-3342 :  2186-6953 :  Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and Health
1573-4935 :  0144-8463 :  Bioscience Reports
2218-3973 :  1811-9506 :  Bioscience Research
1881-7823 :  1881-7815 :  BioScience Trends
1347-6947 :  0916-8451 :  Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry
0976-352X :  0974-9276 :  BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies
1875-1350 :  1875-1342 :  Biosemiotics
1745-8560 :  1745-8552 :  BioSocieties
1468-4357 :  1465-4644 :  Biostatistics
1537-5129 :  1537-5110 :  Biosystems Engineering
1676-0603 :  1676-0611 :  Biota Neotropica
1682-2978 :  1682-296X :  Biotechnology
1470-8744 :  0885-4513 :  Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry
1097-0290 :  0006-3592 :  Biotechnology and Bioengineering
1754-6834 :  0000-0000 :  Biotechnology for Biofuels
1860-7314 :  1860-6768 :  Biotechnology journal
1573-6776 :  0141-5492 :  Biotechnology Letters
1520-6033 :  8756-7938 :  Biotechnology Progress
2215-017X :  0000-0000 :  Biotechnology Reports
1780-4507 :  1370-6233 :  Biotechnology, Agronomy and Society and Environment
1027-2852 :  0864-4551 :  Biotecnologia Aplicada
2352-5738 :  0000-0000 :  Biotribology
1399-5618 :  1398-5647 :  Bipolar Disorders
1474-0001 :  0959-2709 :  Bird Conservation International
1523-536X :  0730-7659 :  Birth
2472-1727 :  0000-0000 :  Birth Defects Research
1542-0760 :  1542-0752 :  Birth Defects Research Part A - Clinical and Molecular Teratology
1542-9741 :  1542-9733 :  Birth Defects Research Part B - Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology
1542-9768 :  1542-975X :  Birth Defects Research Part C - Embryo Today: Reviews
1572-9125 :  0006-3835 :  BIT Numerical Mathematics
2056-4686 :  2056-4678 :  BJ Psych Advances
2058-5357 :  2058-5349 :  BJA Education
1471-0528 :  1470-0328 :  BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
2056-4708 :  2056-4694 :  BJPsych Bulletin
1464-410X :  1464-4096 :  BJU International
1743-1670 :  1476-9948 :  Black Theology
2352-3735 :  2352-3727 :  Bladder Cancer
1528-0020 :  0006-4971 :  Blood
1096-0961 :  1079-9796 :  Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases
1651-1999 :  0803-7051 :  Blood Pressure
1421-9735 :  0253-5068 :  Blood Purification
2288-0011 :  2287-979X :  Blood Research
2385-2070 :  1723-2007 :  Blood Transfusion
1976-670X :  1976-6696 :  BMB reports
2052-1839 :  0000-0000 :  BMC Hematology
2052-9538 :  0000-0000 :  BMC Obesity
2050-7283 :  0000-0000 :  BMC Psychology
2055-642X :  2055-8074 :  BMJ Innovations
2052-4897 :  0000-0000 :  BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care
2054-4774 :  0000-0000 :  BMJ Open Gastroenterology
2052-4439 :  0000-0000 :  BMJ Open Respiratory Research
2515-2009 :  2515-1991 :  BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health
2045-4368 :  2045-435X :  BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care
1460-3632 :  1357-034X :  Body and Society
1777-5760 :  0006-579X :  Bois et Forets des Tropiques
1980-4415 :  0103-636X :  Bolema - Mathematics Education Bulletin
2175-1188 :  0037-8712 :  Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica
2182-7974 :  0872-5632 :  Boletim do Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra
0046-9939 :  1678-2305 :  Boletim do Instituto de Pesca
2014-993X :  0520-4100 :  Boletin Americanista
0718-9303 :  0067-9674 :  Boletin de Filologia
1851-2372 :  0373-580X :  Boletin de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica
2173-0695 :  0000-0000 :  Boletin de Literatura Oral
0718-6894 :  0716-1530 :  Boletin del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino
1665-1146 :  0539-6115 :  Boletin Medico del Hospital Infantil de Mexico
1724-1650 :  0392-4432 :  Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche
2049-4408 :  2049-4394 :  Bone and Joint Journal
2046-3758 :  0000-0000 :  Bone and Joint Research
2090-3006 :  2090-2999 :  Bone Marrow Research
2352-1872 :  0000-0000 :  Bone Reports
2095-6231 :  2095-4700 :  Bone Research
2051-6673 :  0000-0000 :  Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation
2340-6577 :  0210-5934 :  Bordon
1797-2469 :  1239-6095 :  Boreal Environment Research
1502-3885 :  0300-9483 :  Boreas
0717-9200 :  0304-8799 :  Bosque
1988-2874 :  0214-4565 :  Botanica Complutensis
2029-932X :  1392-1665 :  Botanica Lithuanica
1437-4323 :  0006-8055 :  Botanica Marina
2410-3713 :  2226-4701 :  Botanica Pacifica
1821-2638 :  1821-2158 :  Botanica Serbica
1095-8339 :  0024-4074 :  Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
2007-4476 :  2007-4298 :  Botanical Sciences
1999-3110 :  1817-406X :  Botanical Studies
2415-9662 :  0006-8144 :  Botanikai Kozlemenyek
1916-2804 :  1916-2790 :  Botany
2381-8115 :  2381-8107 :  Botany Letters
2311-9284 :  0006-8241 :  Bothalia
1754-7326 :  1754-7326 :  Botulinum Journal
1527-2141 :  0190-3659 :  Boundary 2
1687-2770 :  1687-2762 :  Boundary Value Problems
1573-1472 :  0006-8314 :  Boundary-Layer Meteorology
1678-4499 :  0006-8705 :  Bragantia
1460-2156 :  0006-8950 :  Brain
2162-3279 :  0000-0000 :  Brain and Behavior
1090-2147 :  0278-2626 :  Brain and Cognition
2158-0022 :  2158-0014 :  Brain Connectivity
1931-7565 :  1931-7557 :  Brain Imaging and Behavior
2198-4026 :  2198-4018 :  Brain Informatics
1362-301X :  0269-9052 :  Brain Injury
2076-3425 :  0000-0000 :  Brain Sciences
1863-2661 :  1863-2653 :  Brain Structure and Function
1573-6792 :  0896-0267 :  Brain Topography
1421-9743 :  0006-8977 :  Brain, Behavior and Evolution
1090-2139 :  0889-1591 :  Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
2178-6011 :  0000-0000 :  Brazilian Dental Science
2179-3433 :  2179-3425 :  Brazilian Journal of Analytical Chemistry
1981-6723 :  0000-0000 :  Brazilian Journal of Food Technology
2317-4692 :  2317-4889 :  Brazilian Journal of Geology
2237-1036 :  2236-997X :  Brazilian Journal of International Law
1982-436X :  1679-8759 :  Brazilian Journal of Oceanography
2175-9790 :  1984-8250 :  Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
1981-528X :  0102-695X :  Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognsosy
1809-9246 :  1413-3555 :  Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy
1678-4456 :  1413-9596 :  Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science
1981-9854 :  1808-4079 :  Brazilian Journalism Research
1758-1931 :  1758-1923 :  Breast Cancer Management
1465-542X :  1465-5411 :  Breast Cancer Research
1573-7217 :  0167-6806 :  Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
1661-3805 :  1661-3791 :  Breast Care
1524-4741 :  1075-122X :  Breast Journal
1556-8342 :  1556-8253 :  Breastfeeding Medicine
2073-4735 :  1810-6838 :  Breathe
1347-3735 :  1344-7610 :  Breeding Science
2412-2343 :  2409-9058 :  BRICS Law Journal
1477-4054 :  1467-5463 :  Briefings in Bioinformatics
2041-2657 :  2041-2649 :  Briefings in Functional Genomics
1877-6930 :  1876-6633 :  Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics
2043-8575 :  2043-8567 :  Britain and the World
1753-5352 :  0325-6197 :  Britannia
1095-8347 :  0890-8389 :  British Accounting Review
2055-7981 :  2055-7973 :  British Catholic History
1469-3518 :  0141-1926 :  British Educational Research Journal
1474-001X :  0007-0874 :  British Journal for the History of Science
1464-3537 :  0007-0882 :  British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
1468-2842 :  0007-0904 :  British Journal of Aesthetics
2049-4092 :  0000-0000 :  British Journal of American Legal Studies
1471-6771 :  0007-0912 :  British Journal of Anaesthesia
1757-8078 :  0269-9222 :  British Journal of Canadian Studies
1532-1827 :  0007-0920 :  British Journal of Cancer
1365-2125 :  0306-5251 :  British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
1464-3529 :  0007-0955 :  British Journal of Criminology
1365-2133 :  0007-0963 :  British Journal of Dermatology
1467-8527 :  0007-1005 :  British Journal of Educational Studies
1467-8535 :  0007-1013 :  British Journal of Educational Technology
1469-3534 :  0306-9885 :  British Journal of Guidance and Counselling
1365-2141 :  0007-1048 :  British Journal of Haematology
1759-7390 :  1750-8460 :  British journal of hospital medicine (London, England : 2005)
1467-8543 :  0007-1080 :  British Journal of Industrial Relations
1468-3156 :  1354-4187 :  British Journal of Learning Disabilities
1467-8551 :  1045-3172 :  British Journal of Management
1469-3542 :  1353-0194 :  British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
1469-2104 :  0265-0517 :  British Journal of Music Education
1360-046X :  0268-8697 :  British Journal of Neurosurgery
1475-2662 :  0007-1145 :  British Journal of Nutrition
1477-6006 :  0308-0226 :  British Journal of Occupational Therapy
2049-4645 :  2049-4637 :  British Journal of Pain
1469-2112 :  0007-1234 :  British Journal of Political Science
1472-1465 :  0007-1250 :  British Journal of Psychiatry
1740-7931 :  0141-6200 :  British Journal of Religious Education
1468-263X :  0045-3102 :  British Journal of Social Work
1468-4446 :  0007-1315 :  British Journal of Sociology
1465-3346 :  0142-5692 :  British Journal of Sociology of Education
1473-0480 :  0306-3674 :  British Journal of Sports Medicine
1365-2168 :  0007-1323 :  British Journal of Surgery
1744-5809 :  0264-6196 :  British Journal of Visual Impairment
1471-8391 :  0007-1420 :  British Medical Bulletin
1746-9198 :  1746-918X :  British Politics
1466-1799 :  0007-1668 :  British Poultry Science
1805-0867 :  0524-6881 :  Brno Studies in English
1745-8226 :  1474-8932 :  Bronte Studies
1533-4465 :  0007-2303 :  Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
2014-7910 :  0000-0000 :  Brumal
2079-3146 :  1560-5876 :  Brunei International Medical Journal
1724-0441 :  1125-3819 :  Bruniana e Campanelliana
0770-7576 :  0583-8622 :  BSGLg
1747-9681 :  0265-2897 :  Buddhist Studies Review
1527-9472 :  0882-0945 :  Buddhist-Christian Studies
1466-4321 :  0961-3218 :  Building Research and Information
1477-0849 :  0143-6244 :  Building Services Engineering Research and Technology
1996-8744 :  1996-3599 :  Building Simulation
2471-3112 :  0007-3725 :  Buildings
1934-6832 :  1936-0886 :  Buildings & Landscapes
1314-5592 :  1313-2709 :  Bulgarian Astronomical Journal
1313-3543 :  1311-1477 :  Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine
2570-7345 :  2570-7337 :  Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie
2244-8659 :  0000-0000 :  Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics
1467-8586 :  0307-3378 :  Bulletin of Economic Research
2302-9285 :  2089-3191 :  Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
2322-3960 :  2322-2522 :  Bulletin of Emergency and Trauma
1435-9537 :  1435-9529 :  Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
1475-2670 :  0007-4853 :  Bulletin of Entomological Research
1432-0800 :  0007-4861 :  Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
1573-8221 :  0007-4888 :  Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
1802-8225 :  1214-1119 :  Bulletin of Geosciences
1478-3398 :  1475-3839 :  Bulletin of Hispanic Studies
1472-7234 :  0007-4918 :  Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies
1883-5600 :  0546-0794 :  Bulletin of Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering
1470-9856 :  0261-3050 :  Bulletin of Latin American Research
0973-7669 :  0250-4707 :  Bulletin of Materials Science
1522-9602 :  0092-8240 :  Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
1664-3615 :  1664-3607 :  Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences
2542-1204 :  2500-1094 :  Bulletin of Russian State Medical University
1819-3684 :  1682-0363 :  Bulletin of Siberian Medicine
1478-3428 :  1475-3820 :  Bulletin of Spanish Studies
1088-9485 :  0273-0979 :  Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
1520-0477 :  0003-0007 :  Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
1937-3546 :  0003-0090 :  Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
1348-0634 :  0009-2673 :  Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
2245-7070 :  0011-6297 :  Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark
1086-3176 :  0007-5140 :  Bulletin of the History of Medicine
2328-5273 :  2328-4633 :  Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Disease (2013)
2041-5370 :  0076-0730 :  Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies
1846-6273 :  0000-0000 :  Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology
2311-9799 :  1017-8678 :  Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum
2054-9326 :  2054-9318 :  Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester
1229-5949 :  0253-2964 :  Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
1934-838X :  1068-3356 :  Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute
1469-2120 :  0024-6093 :  Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
2300-1917 :  0239-7528 :  Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences
1474-0699 :  0041-977X :  Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
2449-836X :  0138-0680 :  Bulletin of the Section of Logic
2308-0256 :  2071-0216 :  Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Series: Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software
2413-1830 :  2500-1019 :  Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering
1564-0604 :  0042-9686 :  Bulletin of the World Health Organization
1432-0819 :  0258-8900 :  Bulletin of Volcanology
1777-5469 :  0037-8984 :  Bulletins et Memoires de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris
1437-1588 :  1436-9990 :  Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz
2044-9925 :  0007-6287 :  Burlington Magazine
2213-0586 :  0000-0000 :  Burnout Research
1804-5006 :  1804-1205 :  Business and Economic Horizons
2057-0201 :  2057-0198 :  Business and Human Rights Journal
1469-3569 :  1369-5258 :  Business and Politics
2329-4922 :  2329-4906 :  Business and Professional Communication Quarterly
1467-8594 :  0045-3609 :  Business and Society Review
2394-9937 :  2278-5337 :  Business Perspectives and Research
1099-0836 :  0964-4733 :  Business Strategy and the Environment
1847-9375 :  0000-0000 :  Business Systems Research
2051-8757 :  2059-1586 :  Business, Peace and Sustainable Development


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